Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain CRAW

crawl10 craws10 scraw10 acrawl11 crawls11 crawly14 scrawb13 scrawl11 scrawm13 scrawp13 scraws11 becrawl14 crawdad14 crawled13 crawler12 scrawbs14 scrawls12 scrawly15 scrawms14 scrawny15 scrawps14 becrawls15 bescrawl15 crawdads15 crawfish19 crawlers13 crawlier13 crawling14 crawlway19 outcrawl13 overcraw16 scrawbed16 scrawled14 scrawler13 scrawmed16 scrawped16 becrawled17 bescrawls16 crawdaddy20 crawliest14 crawlings15 crawlways20 outcrawls14 overcraws17 scrawbing17 scrawlers14 scrawlier14 scrawling15 scrawming17 scrawnier14 scrawnily17 scrawping17 becrawling18 bescrawled18 crawfished22 crawfishes21 crawlingly19 outcrawled16 overcrawed19 pubcrawler19 scrawliest15 scrawlings16 scrawniest15 crawlspace19 bescrawling19 crawdaddies19 crawfishing23 outcrawling17 overcrawing20 pubcrawlers20 scrawlingly20 scrawniness16 crawlspaces20 scrawninesses18

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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