Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain CRACK

cracka14 cracks14 cracky17 crackas15 cracked16 cracker15 cracket15 crackie15 crackle15 crackly18 crackup17 crackers16 crackets16 crackier16 crackies16 cracking17 crackjaw26 crackled17 crackles16 cracknel16 crackpot18 crackups18 gimcrack19 jimcrack25 anticrack17 crackback25 crackdown21 crackhead21 crackiest17 crackings18 crackjaws27 cracklier17 crackling18 cracknels17 crackpots19 cracksman19 cracksmen19 gimcracks20 jimcracks26 sandcrack18 uncracked18 wisecrack20 whipcrack25 crackajack31 crackbacks26 crackberry23 crackbrain20 crackdowns22 crackheads22 crackliest18 cracklings19 hydrocrack25 microcrack22 nutcracker18 sandcracks19 wisecracks21 whipcracks26 crackajacks32 crackbrains21 crackerjack32 crackleware22 firecracker22 gimcrackery25 hydrocracks26 microcracks23 nutcrackers19 safecracker22 wisecracked23 wisecracker22 cracklingly23 crackberries22 crackbrained23 crackerjacks33 cracklewares23 firecrackers23 hydrocracked28 hydrocracker27 microcracked25 safecrackers23 safecracking24 shellcracker23 wisecrackers23 wisecracking24 gimcrackeries24 hydrocrackers28 hydrocracking29 microcracking26 musselcracker23 safecrackings25 shellcrackers24 undercrackers22 hydrocrackings30 microcrackings27 musselcrackers24

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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