Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain CONTRA

contras9 contrat9 contract12 contrail10 contrair10 contrary13 contrast10 contrate10 contrats10 contracts13 contrails11 contralti11 contralto11 contrasts11 contrasty14 contraband15 contrabass14 contracted15 contractor14 contradict15 contraflow18 contrahent15 contraltos12 contraplex21 contraprop16 contrarian12 contraried13 contraries12 contrarily15 contrasted13 contravene15 contrabands16 contrabassi15 contrabasso15 contractile15 contracting16 contraction15 contractive18 contractors15 contractual15 contracture15 contradance16 contradicts16 contraflows19 contrahents16 contraprops17 contraption15 contrarians13 contrariety16 contrarious13 contrarying17 contrasting14 contrastive16 contravened17 contravener16 contravenes16 contrayerva19 noncontract15 precontract17 subcontract17 subcontrary18 contrastier13 contrabasses16 contrabassos16 contrabbassi18 contrabbasso18 contractable18 contractably21 contractedly20 contractible18 contractibly21 contractions16 contractural16 contractures16 contradances17 contradicted18 contradicter17 contradictor17 contranatant14 contraoctave19 contrapposto18 contraptions16 contrapuntal16 contrariness14 contrariwise17 contrasexual21 contrastable16 contrastably19 contraveners17 contravening18 contrayervas20 precontracts18 subcontracts18 uncontracted17 noncontracts16 contrastiest14 contrabandism20 contrabandist18 contrabassist17 contrabassoon17 contrabbassos19 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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