Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain CISTS

oecists9 racists9 epicists12 fascists13 narcists10 atticists11 ethicists14 exorcists18 hylicists17 hypocists19 logicists12 lyricists14 opticists13 solecists11 anglicists13 biblicists16 eroticists12 exoticists19 metricists14 mosaicists14 mythicists20 physicists20 publicists16 rhotacists15 vorticists15 aerobicists15 antiracists13 ceramicists17 classicists15 demoticists16 dynamicists19 empiricists17 eugenecists14 eugenicists14 geneticists14 kenoticists17 kineticists17 organicists14 pacificists20 phallicists18 pharmacists20 polemicists17 psychicists23 pyrrhicists21 technicists18 prefascists18 roboticists15 cryonicists18 antifascists17 bioethicists19 ecumenicists18 esotericists14 harmonicists19 historicists17 pheneticists19 phonemicists21 phoneticists19 romanticists16 semanticists16 semioticists16 supremacists18 aestheticists18 biophysicists25 geophysicists24 pragmaticists20 conspiracists19 cyberneticists23 epigeneticists19 geodynamicists23 metaphysicists26 metempiricists22 meteoriticists18 neoclassicists18 neoplasticists18 aerodynamicists23 astrophysicists25 cytogeneticists23 microphysicists29 oncogeneticists20 petrophysicists27 teratogenicists18 psychophysicists36 hydrodynamicists31 thermodynamicists30 immunogeneticists24

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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