Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain CHROMO

chromos14 chromoly18 chromous15 achromous16 chromogen17 chromolys19 chromogens18 chromogram20 chromolies17 chromomere19 chromonema19 chromophil22 chromosome19 chromotype22 chromogenic21 chromograms21 chromomeres20 chromomeric22 chromonemal20 chromonemic22 chromophils23 chromophobe25 chromophore23 chromoplast20 chromoscope22 chromosomal20 chromosomes20 chromotypes23 chromocenter21 chromocentre21 chromonemata21 chromophilic26 chromophobes26 chromophores24 chromophoric26 chromoplasts21 chromoscopes23 chromosphere24 homochromous24 polychromous24 chromophonic26 chromocenters22 chromocentres22 chromonematic24 chromophorous25 chromoprotein22 chromosomally25 chromospheres25 chromospheric27 chromotherapy28 isochromosome22 chromodynamics29 chromoproteins23 heterochromous24 isochromosomes23 nonchromosomal23 chromotherapies27 chromoxylograph38 pheochromocytom34 chromolithograp28 interchromosoma24 extrachromosoma31 chromolithograph32 interchromosomal25 extrachromosomal32 pheochromocytoma35 chromolithographs33 chromolithography36 pheochromocytomas36 chromolithographed35 pheochromocytomata37 chromolithographer34 chromolithographic36 chromolithographers35 chromolithographing36 chromolithographies35

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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