Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain CHOU

chout10 choux17 cachou13 chough15 chouse11 choush14 chouts11 schout11 cachous14 choughs16 choused13 chouser12 chouses12 mechoui14 schouts12 choultry16 chounter13 chousers13 choushes16 chousing14 leachour13 mechouis15 pachouli15 pitchout15 punchout15 watchout16 astichous14 chounters14 leachours14 pachoulis16 patchouli16 patchouly19 pitchouts16 punchouts16 treachour14 watchouts17 caoutchouc19 choucroute17 choultries15 chountered16 distichous16 patchoulis17 stomachous17 tchoukball21 treachours15 caoutchoucs20 choucroutes18 chountering17 patchoulies18 tchoukballs22 tristichous16 ulotrichous16 cymotrichous24 distichously21 leiotrichous17 monostichous19 monotrichous19 octastichous19 octostichous19 parastichous19 peritrichous19 polystichous22 amphitrichous25 lissotrichous18 orthostichous21 pentastichous20 tetrastichous18 peritrichously24 odontorhynchous27

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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