Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain CHID

chide11 chided13 chider12 chides12 orchid12 bruchid15 chidden14 chiders13 chiding14 echidna13 glochid14 orchids13 outchid13 bruchids16 chidings15 echidnae14 echidnas14 glochids15 ochidore14 outchide14 rachides14 chidingly19 chidlings16 echidnine15 glochidia16 monorchid17 ochidores15 orchidist15 outchided16 outchides15 rachidial15 rachidian15 rhachides18 stichidia15 echidnines16 glochidium19 monorchids18 orchideous16 orchidists16 orchidlike20 outchidden17 outchiding17 rhachidial19 stichidium18 arachidonic19 cryptorchid24 glochidiate18 orchidology21 cryptorchids25 monorchidism22 orchidaceous20 orchidectomy25 orchidomania20 archidiaconal21 monorchidisms23 orchidologies20 orchidologist20 orchidomaniac23 orchidomanias21 archidiaconate22 cryptorchidism29 orchidectomies24 orchidologists21 orchidomaniacs24 archidiaconates23 cryptorchidisms30

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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