Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain CHEM

chemo12 chems12 chemic15 chemmy18 chemos13 sachem13 schema13 scheme13 alchemy17 chemics16 chemise14 chemism16 chemist14 sachems14 schemas14 schemed15 schemer14 schemes14 schemie14 chemsex21 alchemic17 chemical17 chemises15 chemisms17 chemists15 chemmies17 chemurgy19 ischemia15 ischemic17 sachemic17 schemata15 schemers15 schemies15 scheming16 alchemies16 alchemise16 alchemist16 alchemize25 biochemic20 cauchemar18 chemicals18 chemicked23 chemisorb18 chemistry19 chemitype21 chemitypy24 chemokine20 chemosorb18 chemostat16 chempaduk23 chemtrail16 chemurgic19 ischemias16 outscheme16 sachemdom19 schematic18 schemings17 subschema18 chemsexes23 alchemical19 alchemised18 alchemises17 alchemists17 alchemized27 alchemizes26 biochemist19 cauchemars19 chemiatric19 chemically22 chemicking24 chemisette17 chemisorbs19 chemitypes22 chemokines21 chemonasty20 chemosorbs19 chemostats17 chemotaxes24 chemotaxis24 chempaduks24 chemtrails17 chemurgies18 geochemist18 outschemed18 outschemes17 sachemdoms20 sachemship22 schematics19 schematise17 schematism19 schematist17 schematize26 schemingly21 schemozzle35 alchemising19 alchemistic20 alchemizing28 biochemical22 biochemists20 chemickings25 chemisettes18 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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