Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain CARDIO

cardios10 cardioid12 cardioids13 cardiogram16 cardiology17 cardiogenic17 cardiograms17 cardiograph20 cardiomotor16 cardiopathy22 cardiotonic16 cardiographs21 cardiography24 cardiologies16 cardiologist16 cardiomegaly21 cardioplegia18 cardiotonics17 cardioverter18 cardiographer22 cardiographic24 cardiological19 cardiologists17 cardiopathies21 cardioplegias19 cardioversion19 cardioverters19 cardiocenteses19 cardiocentesis19 cardiographers23 cardiographies23 cardiomegalies20 cardiomyopathy30 cardiothoracic24 cardiovascular22 echocardiogram25 myocardiograph28 myocardiopathy30 cardioversions20 cardiographical26 cardiopulmonary25 echocardiograms26 myocardiographs29 phonocardiogram26 phonocardiograp26 echocardiograph29 angiocardiograp22 electrocardiogr21 cardiomyopathie28 cardiorespirato20 phonocardiograms27 echocardiography33 cardiomyopathies29 phonocardiograph30 cardiorespiratory25 echocardiographic33 electrocardiogram25 phonocardiography34 angiocardiography30 phonocardiographs31 echocardiographer31 echocardiographies32 angiocardiographic30 electrocardiograms26 phonocardiographic34 electrocardiograph29 echocardiographers32 phonocardiographies33 angiocardiographies29 electrocardiography33 electrocardiographs30 electrocardiographic33 electrocardiographies32 electrocardiographically40

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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