Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain BIS

bise6 bish9 bisk10 bist6 ibis6 obis6 bises7 bisks11 bisom9 bison7 gobis8 labis7 nabis7 pubis9 rabis7 tabis7 alibis8 arabis8 bambis12 bisect10 bishes11 bishop13 bismar10 bisoms10 bisons8 bisque17 bisson8 bister8 bistre8 bistro8 combis12 cubism12 cubist10 dhobis12 ibises8 kibbis14 krubis12 nebish11 oribis8 rabbis10 tabbis10 tubist8 vibist11 zimbis19 zombis19 arabise9 biscuit11 bisects11 bishops14 bismars11 bismuth14 bisnaga10 bisques18 bissons9 bistate9 bisters9 bistort9 bistred10 bistres9 bistros9 bobbish16 boobish14 cambism15 cambist13 cubbish16 cubisms13 cubists11 furbish15 gambist12 herbist12 hobbish17 iambist11 jalebis16 labises9 marabis11 mazhbis23 mobbish16 mobbism15 nebbish14 ourebis9 phobism16 phobist14 pubises11 rubbish14 soubise9 tubbish14 tubists9 vibists12 wasabis12 yobbish17 yobbism16 arabised11 arabises10 bilimbis14 biscacha17 biscotti12 biscotto12 biscuits12 biscuity15 bisected13 bisector12 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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