Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain BAST

basta7 baste7 basti7 basto7 basts7 basted9 baster8 bastes8 bastis8 bastle8 bastos8 bastard10 basters9 bastide10 bastile9 basting10 bastion9 bastles9 bombast13 embaste11 lambast11 bastards11 bastardy14 bastides11 bastiles10 bastille10 bastings11 bastions10 bombasts14 lambaste12 lambasts12 unbasted11 alabaster11 bandobast14 barbastel13 bastardly15 bastardry15 bastilles11 bastinade12 bastinado12 bastioned12 bombasted16 bombaster15 bombastic17 lambasted14 lambastes13 subastral11 alabasters12 bandobasts15 barbastels14 bastardies13 bastardise13 bastardism15 bastardize22 bastinaded14 bastinades13 bastnasite12 bombasters16 bombasting17 lambasting15 alabastrine13 barbastelle15 bastardised15 bastardises14 bastardisms16 bastardized24 bastardizes23 bastardries14 bastinading15 bastinadoed15 bastinadoes14 bastnaesite13 bastnasites13 demibastion16 trailbaston13 bastardlier14 barbastelles16 bastardising16 bastardizing25 bastinadoing16 bastnaesites14 demibastions17 trailbastons14 bastardliest15 bombastically24 bastardisation17 bastardization26 bastardisations18 bastardizations27

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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