Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain ATRIA

atrial6 latria6 latrias7 patrial9 gematria11 patrials10 patriate10 veratria11 zoiatria17 gematrias12 matriarch16 patriarch16 patriated12 patriates11 veratrias12 zoiatrias18 zoolatria18 expatriate19 matriarchs17 matriarchy20 patrialise12 patrialism14 patriality15 patrialize21 patriarchs17 patriarchy20 patriating13 patriation12 repatriate12 sinoatrial10 zoolatrias19 expatriated21 expatriates20 matriarchal18 matriarchic20 patrialised14 patrialises13 patrialisms15 patrialized23 patrializes22 patriarchal18 patriations13 repatriated14 repatriates13 repatriator13 expatriating22 expatriation21 expatriatism23 matriarchate19 matriarchies19 patrialising15 patrialities14 patrializing24 patriarchate19 patriarchies19 patriarchism21 repatriating15 repatriation14 repatriators14 expatriations22 expatriatisms24 matriarchates20 patriarchally23 patriarchates20 patriarchisms22 repatriations15 matriarchalism23 patrialisation16 patrialization25 patriarchalism23 matriarchalisms24 patrialisations17 patrializations26 patriarchalisms24

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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