Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain ASCI

fasci10 ascian8 fascia11 fascio11 fascis11 ascians9 ascidia10 ascites9 ascitic11 diascia10 fasciae12 fascial12 fascias12 fascine12 fascism14 fascist12 ascidian11 ascidium13 bascinet12 diascias11 fasciate13 fascicle15 fascines13 fasciola13 fasciole13 fascismi15 fascismo15 fascisms15 fascista13 fascisti13 fascists13 fascitis13 ascidians12 ascidiate12 ascitical13 bascinets13 fasciated15 fascicled17 fascicles16 fascicule16 fasciculi16 fasciitis14 fascinate14 fasciolas14 fascioles14 fascistic16 irascible13 irascibly16 fasciately18 fasciation15 fascicular17 fascicules17 fasciculus17 fascinated16 fascinates15 fascinator15 fascitises15 lascivious15 prefascist17 profascist17 antifascism18 antifascist16 ascititious13 fasciations16 fasciculate18 fasciitises16 fascinating17 fascination16 fascinative19 fascinators16 parascience17 prefascists18 antifascisms19 antifascists17 fascicularly22 fasciculated20 fascinatedly21 fascinations17 fascioliases17 fascioliasis17 irascibility19 lasciviously20 parasciences18 fasciculately23 fasciculation20 fascinatingly22 fascistically23 irascibleness17 fasciculations21 irascibilities18 lasciviousness19 interfascicular22 intrafascicular22 irasciblenesses19 lasciviousnesse20 lasciviousnesses21

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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