Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain ARLE

arled6 arles5 carle7 farle8 marle7 parle7 barley11 carles8 farles9 harled10 marled9 marles8 parled9 parles8 parley11 varlet9 barless9 barleys12 carless9 charley15 earless7 gnarled9 oarless7 parleys12 pearled10 pearler9 scarlet9 snarled8 snarler7 starlet7 varlets10 warless10 barleduc13 charleys16 emparled13 fearless11 gearless9 imparled13 parleyed14 parleyer13 pearlers10 scarless10 scarlets10 shearleg12 snarlers8 starless8 starlets8 tarletan8 tearless8 varletry14 varletto11 barleducs14 bepearled14 ensnarled10 harlequin21 impearled14 parlement13 parleyers14 parleying15 parleyvoo17 scarleted12 shearlegs13 sugarless10 tarletans9 unsnarled10 varletess12 varlettos12 barleycorn17 charleston15 collarless12 dollarless11 fearlessly16 harlequins22 mortarless12 parlements14 parleyvoos18 pillarless12 pourparler14 scarleting13 tearlessly13 varletries13 housecarle15 barleycorns18 charlestons16 grammarless16 harlequined24 parleyvooed20 pearlescent15 pourparlers15 varletesses14 housecarles16 charlestoned18 fearlessness15 harlequinade25 harlequining25 parleyvooing21 pearlescence18 charlestoning19 harlequinades26 pearlescences19 fearlessnesses17 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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