Words with Friends Score Calculator




Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.


info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words with ARIS

arise5 arish8 daris6 garis6 laris5 naris5 paris7 saris5 zaris14 arisen6 arises6 arista6 aristo6 barish11 garish10 harish12 imaris8 laaris6 marish11 parish11 uraris6 ambaris11 arishes10 arising8 aristae7 aristas7 aristos7 ascaris9 askaris11 barista9 bearish12 boarish12 charism14 cidaris10 curaris9 czarism20 czarist18 diarise8 diarist8 guarish11 hakaris14 harissa10 hegaris11 jawaris17 jowaris17 koraris11 kumaris13 mararis9 nagaris8 nearish10 ouraris7 parises9 parison9 piarist9 pujaris16 rearise7 safaris10 souaris7 tamaris9 tsarism9 tsarist7 tzarism18 tzarist16 uakaris11 warison10 wearish13 alizaris17 apiarist10 aquarist17 aristate8 aviarist11 bandaris11 baristas10 binarism12 boyarism15 charisma15 charisms15 curarise10 czarisms21 czarists19 diarised10 diarises9 diarists9 eucharis13 garished13 garishes12 garishly15 harissas11 lunarist8 macarise12 macarism14 marishes13 notarise8 ouakaris12 parishad14 parishen13 parishes13 parisons10 pharisee13 piarists10 Show full list ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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