Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain ARID

marid8 acarid9 arider7 aridly10 marids9 otarid7 sparid9 acarids10 aridest8 aridity11 ascarid10 sciarid10 sparids10 subarid10 acaridan11 aridness9 ascarids11 charidee14 sciarids11 semiarid11 acaridans12 acaridean12 acaridian12 aridities10 ascarides12 cantharid15 charidees15 hyperarid18 acarideans13 acaridians13 aridnesses11 cantharids16 saccharide18 sigillarid12 cantharidal17 cantharides17 cantharidic19 cantharidin17 disaccharid20 saccharides19 semiaridity17 sigillarids13 acaridomatia17 cantharidian18 cantharidins18 disaccharide21 disaccharids21 cantharidine18 acaridomatium20 disaccharides22 semiaridities16 trisaccharide21 cantharidines19 capparidaceous23 disaccharidase23 imparidigitate20 monosaccharide24 polysaccharide27 trisaccharides22 disaccharidases24 monosaccharides25 oligosaccharide24 polysaccharides28 oligosaccharides25 mucopolysaccharide35 lipopolysaccharide33 lipopolysaccharides34 mucopolysaccharides36

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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