Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain ANIS

anise5 manis7 ranis5 anises6 anisic8 banish11 danish10 nanism8 panisc10 panisk12 tanist6 vanish12 aniseed8 anisole7 cyanise12 dewanis11 evanish13 kyanise14 manises9 mopanis11 nanisms9 onanism9 onanist7 paniscs11 panisks13 pianism11 pianist9 planish12 tanists7 titanis7 uranism9 afghanis15 aniseeds9 anisette8 anisoles8 arcanist10 avianise11 banished14 banisher13 banishes13 banister10 birianis10 biryanis13 botanise10 botanist10 canistel10 canister10 cleanish13 cyanised14 cyanises13 danishes12 ganister9 guaranis9 humanise13 humanism15 humanist13 jamdanis18 jampanis19 janisary18 japanise17 kyanised16 kyanises15 lutanist8 melanise10 melanism12 melanist10 onanisms10 onanists8 organise9 organism11 organist9 paeanism12 paganise11 paganish14 paganism13 paganist11 pandanis11 panislam12 pianisms12 pianiste10 pianists10 romanise10 satanism10 satanist8 tanistry11 tetanise8 titanism10 uranisci10 uranisms10 urbanise10 urbanism12 urbanist10 vanished15 vanisher14 vanishes14 veganism14 womanise13 womanish16 womanism15 womanist13 makhanis17 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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