Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain ANAS

kanas9 lanas5 manas7 nanas5 ranas5 tanas5 ananas6 asanas6 bwanas11 chanas11 guanas7 jnanas13 lianas6 nganas7 pranas8 ruanas6 thanas9 arcanas9 bananas9 befanas12 cabanas11 canasta9 dhyanas14 gitanas8 guanase8 iguanas8 istanas7 jacanas16 katanas11 kiranas11 mananas9 naganas8 piranas9 puranas9 toranas7 vahanas13 vimanas12 yojanas17 zananas16 zenanas16 aruanas7 ananases8 anasarca10 apadanas11 athanasy14 bandanas11 beffanas16 campanas14 canastas10 canaster10 chicanas15 curtanas10 damianas11 forlanas11 furlanas11 guanases9 guaranas9 harianas11 ikebanas14 lantanas8 nirvanas11 paisanas10 parganas11 sadhanas12 saganash12 sardanas9 sultanas8 tartanas8 timpanas12 ventanas11 arawanas11 arowanas11 omnianas10 anasarcas11 anastases9 anastasis9 anastatic11 canasters11 caraganas12 dulcianas12 euthanase12 euthanasy15 golfianas13 gymkhanas22 hiraganas13 icekhanas18 katakanas17 phryganas18 shamianas14 vanaspati14 arahuanas12 savasanas12 fistianas12 anasarcous12 anastigmat13 anastomose12 anastrophe15 athanasies13 dextranase18 euthanased14 euthanases13 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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