Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain ANAL

banal7 canal7 fanal8 anally9 analog7 canals8 fanals9 analgia8 anality10 analoga8 analogs8 analogy11 analyse10 analyst10 analyte10 analyze19 banaler9 banally12 bimanal11 canaled10 decanal10 ethanal10 preanal9 tetanal7 analcime12 analcite10 analecta10 analects10 analemma12 analgias9 analogic11 analogon9 analogue9 analysed12 analyser11 analyses11 analysis11 analysts11 analytes11 analytic13 analyzed21 analyzer20 analyzes20 banalest10 banalise10 banality13 banalize19 canaling11 canalise10 canalize19 canalled11 canaller10 ethanals11 methanal13 postanal10 tympanal15 analcimes13 analcimic15 analcites11 analectic13 analemmas13 analeptic13 analgesia10 analgesic12 analgetic12 analities9 analogies10 analogise10 analogism12 analogist10 analogize19 analogons10 analogous10 analogues10 analysand13 analysers12 analysing13 analytics14 analyzers21 analyzing22 artisanal9 bacchanal18 banalised12 banalises11 banalized21 banalizes20 canalboat13 canalised12 canalises11 canalized21 canalizes20 canallers11 canalling12 decanally15 membranal15 methanals14 olecranal11 reanalyse12 reanalyze21 tanalised10 tanalized19 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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