Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain AMIS

amiss7 camis9 kamis11 ramis7 tamis7 agamis9 amises8 camisa10 camise10 famish14 lamish11 swamis11 tamise8 umamis10 amisses9 beamish14 camisas11 camises11 camisia11 chamisa14 chamise14 chamiso14 degamis11 guramis10 kamises13 pyramis14 salamis9 samisen9 tamises9 tatamis9 amissing11 bigamist13 camisade13 camisado13 camisias12 camisole12 ceramist12 chamisal15 chamisas15 chamises15 chamisos15 digamist12 dynamise14 dynamism16 dynamist14 famished17 famishes16 gouramis11 infamise13 lamister10 macramis14 oghamist14 origamis11 samisens10 shamisen13 tiramisu10 tsunamis10 amissible13 beamishly19 bedlamism16 bigamists14 camisades14 camisados14 camisoles13 ceramists13 chamisals16 digamists13 dynamised16 dynamises15 dynamisms17 dynamists15 famishing18 infamised15 infamises14 kirigamis16 lamisters11 oghamists15 pastramis13 pyramises16 shamisens14 squeamish23 tiramisus11 trigamist12 bedlamisms17 camisadoes15 chiyogamis21 dynamising17 dynamistic18 famishment20 infamising16 macadamise17 misogamist15 monogamist15 polygamise18 polygamist18 trigamists13 levamisole15 famishments21 hippodamist21 macadamised19 macadamiser18 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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