Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain AMES

cames9 dames8 fames10 games8 hames10 james14 kames11 lames7 names7 sames7 tames7 wames10 arames8 blames10 brames10 camese10 clames10 crames10 flames11 frames11 gamest9 gamesy12 grames9 lamest8 reames8 seames8 shames11 tamest8 agnames10 amesace11 ashames12 athames12 benames11 bynames14 cameses11 cramesy14 defames13 degames11 entames9 infames12 jameses16 madames12 renames9 sesames9 siamese9 squames18 untames9 vidames13 wakames16 amesaces12 beldames13 beshames15 disfames14 edamames13 endgames12 enflames13 enframes13 gamesier11 gamesman13 gamesmen13 gamesome13 gamester11 inflames13 jobnames19 macrames14 mesdames13 misnames12 namesake14 outnames10 paramese12 pennames12 pregames13 prenames12 reclames12 reframes13 siamesed11 siameses10 sirnames10 surnames10 wargames14 gameshow17 frameset13 airframes14 ballgames14 bedframes17 codenames14 cramesies13 filenames14 forenames14 gamesiest12 gamesters12 grandames13 holydames18 keyframes21 misframes16 namesakes15 nicknames17 outshames14 overnames14 parameses13 pathnames16 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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