Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words with ALB

alba6 albe6 albs6 albas7 albee7 album9 albata8 albedo9 albeit8 albert8 albino8 albite8 albugo9 albums10 balboa10 talbot8 albatas9 albedos10 albergo10 alberts9 albinal9 albinic11 albinos9 albites9 albitic11 albizia18 albugos10 albumen11 albumin11 balboas11 coalbin11 coalbox18 falbala12 halberd13 halbert12 salband10 talbots9 albacore12 albedoes11 alberghi14 albicore12 albiness10 albinism12 albitise10 albitize19 albizias19 albizzia28 albumens12 albumins12 albumose12 alburnum12 coalball12 coalbins12 dealbate11 falbalas13 galbanum13 goalball11 halberds14 halberts13 salbands11 albacores13 albarelli11 albarello11 albatross11 albertite11 albescent13 albespine13 albespyne16 albicores13 albinisms13 albinoism13 albinotic13 albitical13 albitised12 albitises11 albitized21 albitizes20 albizzias29 albricias13 albumoses13 alburnous11 alburnums13 albuterol11 canalboat13 coalballs13 coalboxes20 galbanums14 goalballs12 ovalbumin16 pedalboat14 talbotype16 albarellos12 albertites12 albescence16 albespines14 albespynes17 albinesses12 albinistic14 albinoisms14 albitising13 Show full list ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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