Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain ALAS

balas7 galas6 malas7 nalas5 palas7 talas5 alaska10 calash11 coalas8 dalasi7 jhalas16 koalas10 nyalas9 alaskas11 alastor7 argalas8 babalas11 balases9 cabalas11 cicalas11 dalasis8 halalas10 hawalas13 impalas11 inyalas10 kabalas13 kamalas13 masalas9 palases9 qabalas18 alastors8 alastrim10 baccalas14 cabbalas14 calashes13 cantalas10 catalase10 falbalas13 harmalas13 kabbalas16 mancalas12 mandalas11 marsalas10 tambalas12 tampalas12 trehalas11 achalasia14 alastrims11 catalases11 polygalas15 semigalas12 shillalas12 thalassic14 amygdalas16 achalasias15 dharmsalas16 thalassian13 dharmshalas20 kalashnikov25 thalassemia16 thalassemic18 thalassians14 cytochalasin22 kalashnikovs26 thalassaemia17 thalassaemic19 thalassemias17 thalassemics19 thalassocrat17 cytochalasins23 thalassaemias18 thalassocracy23 thalassocrats18 thalassaemics20 thalassography26 malassimilation19 thalassocracies22 thalassographer24 thalassographic26 thalassotherapy26

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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