Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words with AKS

daks9 gaks9 jaks15 kaks12 maks10 oaks8 paks10 taks8 yaks11 araks9 beaks11 boaks11 braks11 dhaks13 flaks12 kyaks16 laksa9 leaks9 peaks11 reaks9 soaks9 teaks9 banaks12 bleaks12 bobaks14 boraks12 breaks12 cloaks12 creaks12 croaks12 freaks13 gopaks13 hopaks15 kaiaks14 kayaks17 kulaks14 laksas10 muzaks21 rojaks17 smaaks12 sneaks10 speaks12 steaks10 talaks10 tilaks10 troaks10 tweaks13 umiaks12 uptaks12 wreaks13 yaraks13 alliaks11 amtraks13 anoraks11 bogoaks14 dansaks12 debeaks14 dholaks15 galyaks15 kalpaks17 kathaks18 oomiaks13 pachaks18 phreaks16 rakshas14 resoaks11 saksaul11 sanjaks18 screaks13 squeaks20 streaks11 tambaks15 tombaks15 yasmaks16 adspeaks15 bakshish20 becloaks16 bespeaks16 champaks21 dhansaks16 gravlaks16 inbreaks14 kakivaks23 muntjaks21 nonpeaks14 nunataks12 presoaks14 rakshasa15 respeaks14 saksauls12 sneaksby17 tokamaks18 tokomaks18 uncloaks14 unspeaks14 upbreaks16 upspeaks16 weakside16 yashmaks20 voetsaks15 Show full list ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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