Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain AKES

bakes11 cakes11 fakes12 hakes12 jakes16 lakes9 makes11 rakes9 sakes9 takes9 wakes12 awakes13 brakes12 crakes12 drakes11 flakes13 poakes12 quakes19 shakes13 slakes10 snakes10 stakes10 jakest17 fakest13 akeakes15 aslakes11 berakes13 betakes13 comakes15 intakes11 jakeses18 nocakes13 pikakes17 remakes13 retakes11 rewakes14 splakes13 strakes11 uncakes13 unmakes13 unrakes11 upmakes15 uptakes13 weakest14 ashcakes17 bakeshop19 bleakest14 bukkakes22 carcakes16 cupcakes18 dawbakes18 forsakes15 hayrakes18 hoecakes17 hotcakes17 lakeside13 larnakes12 mismakes16 mistakes14 oatcakes14 offtakes18 outbakes14 outtakes12 pancakes16 parbakes16 partakes14 pertakes14 prebakes16 reawakes15 shitakes15 sunbakes14 teacakes14 unbrakes14 premakes16 bakeshops20 bakestone15 beefcakes20 brakesman17 brakesmen17 buckrakes21 caretakes15 clambakes19 corncakes17 fishcakes21 hardbakes19 keepsakes19 kidstakes18 krumkakes23 lakeshore16 lakesides14 latewakes16 lichwakes21 likewakes20 lykewakes23 makeshift21 mandrakes16 merimakes17 millcakes17 mooncakes17 muckrakes21 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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