Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain AHI

ahis7 dahi8 ahigh12 ahind9 ahing9 ahint8 sahib10 spahi10 aahing10 ahimsa11 cahier11 kamahi15 karahi13 pakahi15 rahing10 sahiba11 sahibs11 shahid13 spahis11 tahina9 tahini9 vahine12 wahine12 ahimsas12 blahing13 cahiers12 kamahis16 karahis14 megahit13 pakahis16 sahibah15 sahibas12 sahiwal13 shahids14 tahinas10 tahinis10 vahines13 wahines13 fellahin14 hinahina14 mahimahi18 megahits14 memsahib17 obeahing14 obeahism15 sahibahs16 sahiwals14 trahison11 ultrahip13 ahistoric14 fatwahing19 hinahinas15 hoorahing16 hurrahing16 huzzahing34 kahikatea20 kahikatoa20 mahimahis19 memsahibs18 mujahidin22 mullahing15 mullahism16 obeahisms16 oompahing17 trahisons12 uintahite12 ultrahigh16 jamahiriya25 kahikateas21 kahikatoas21 mujahideen23 mullahisms17 satyagrahi17 uintahites13 ahistorical16 jamahiriyas26 kotahitanga19 satyagrahis18 kotahitangas20 ahistoricism19 ahistoricity20 ahistorically21 ahistoricisms20 ahistoricities19

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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