Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain AHA

haha10 maha9 taha7 hahas11 kahal12 lahal8 lahar8 nahal8 tahas8 haham13 bahada12 graham12 kahals13 lahals9 lahars9 mahant11 nahals9 slahal9 taiaha9 vahana12 bahadas13 bahadur13 bruhaha15 grahams13 kahawai17 langaha11 mahants12 mahatma14 quahaug20 seahawk17 shahada14 slahals10 taiahas10 vahanas13 bahadurs14 brouhaha16 bruhahas16 dahabeah17 dahabiah17 dahabieh17 dahabiya17 kahawais18 langahas12 maharaja20 maharani13 mahatmas15 pahautea13 pitahaya16 quahaugs21 seahawks18 shahadah18 shahadas15 surbahar13 tatahash14 tomahawk20 brouhahas17 dahabeahs18 dahabeeah18 dahabiahs18 dahabiehs18 dahabiyah21 dahabiyas18 dahabiyeh21 maharajah24 maharajas21 maharanee14 maharanis14 maharishi17 pahauteas14 pitahayas17 shahadahs19 surbahars14 tacamahac18 tacmahack22 tomahawks21 vibraharp19 dahabeeahs19 dahabeeyah22 dahabiyahs22 dahabiyehs22 maharajahs25 maharanees15 maharishis18 mahatmaism19 satyagraha17 tacamahacs19 tacmahacks23 tatahashes16 tomahawked23 vibraharps20 dahabeeyahs23 mahatmaisms20 satyagrahas18 tomahawking24 vibraharpist22 vibraharpists23 ultrahazardous27

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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