Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain ADS

bads7 cads7 dads6 fads8 gads6 hads8 lads5 mads7 nads5 pads7 rads5 sads5 tads5 wads8 yads8 adsum8 beads8 blads8 brads8 chads11 clads8 deads7 duads7 dyads10 ecads8 egads7 gadso7 glads7 goads7 grads7 hadst9 heads9 leads6 loads6 meads8 prads8 quads15 reads6 riads6 roads6 scads8 shads9 swads9 teads6 toads6 trads6 woads9 yeads9 adsorb9 adsuki11 areads7 audads8 bemads11 breads9 broads9 cycads14 decads10 dorads8 dreads8 dryads11 eliads7 eupads9 farads10 gonads8 hexads17 hodads11 iliads7 jehads17 jihads17 kneads11 menads9 monads9 naiads7 nicads9 nomads9 octads9 oreads7 padsaw12 pleads9 salads7 sepads9 sneads7 squads16 steads7 strads7 treads7 triads7 troads7 wadset10 gadsos8 abroads10 adreads9 adsorbs10 adspeak14 adsukis12 alidads9 aoudads9 ballads10 beglads11 beheads13 bumwads15 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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