Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain ACES

daces8 faces10 laces7 maces9 paces9 races7 taces7 braces10 chaces13 glaces9 graces9 peaces10 places10 spaces10 traces8 anlaces9 belaces11 bifaces14 boraces11 defaces13 effaces15 embaces13 enfaces12 enlaces9 enraces9 hyraces15 inlaces9 limaces11 menaces11 palaces11 pomaces13 preaces11 refaces12 relaces9 rosaces9 rubaces11 solaces9 tenaces9 unlaces9 vivaces15 acescent12 aggraces12 ambsaces14 amesaces12 anelaces10 barraces12 bullaces12 byplaces17 catfaces15 dispaces13 dogfaces15 embraces14 emplaces14 engraces11 furnaces13 grimaces13 myspaces17 outfaces13 outpaces12 outraces10 pigfaces16 pinnaces12 prefaces15 rebraces12 replaces12 respaces12 retraces10 subraces12 surfaces13 terraces10 thoraces13 unbraces12 unifaces13 unplaces12 untraces10 vendaces14 acescence15 acescency18 acescents13 airspaces13 anthraces14 boldfaces17 bongraces14 bonifaces16 bootlaces13 carapaces15 clubfaces18 coalfaces16 disgraces13 dispeaces14 displaces14 footpaces16 footraces14 forefaces17 fuckfaces23 fullfaces17 halfpaces19 hardfaces18 headraces15 landraces12 midspaces16 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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