Scrabble Score Calculator



Bingo: + 50 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Scrabble Words with OUP

coup8 doup7 loup6 moup8 noup6 oupa6 ouph9 oups6 roup6 soup6 coupe9 coups9 croup9 doups8 group8 loupe7 loups7 moups9 noups7 oupas7 ouped8 ouphe10 ouphs10 poupe9 poupt9 roups7 roupy10 scoup9 soups7 soupy10 stoup7 couped11 coupee10 couper10 coupes10 couple10 coupon10 croupe10 croups10 croupy13 groups9 groupy12 louped9 loupen8 loupes8 loupit8 mouped11 ouphes11 ouping9 pouped11 poupes10 recoup10 rouped9 roupet8 roupit8 scoups10 souped9 souper8 souple8 stoups8 stroup8 toupee8 toupet8 toupie8 troupe8 youpon11 coupees11 coupers11 couping12 coupled12 coupler11 couples11 couplet11 coupons11 coupure11 crouped12 crouper11 croupes11 croupon11 garoupa10 grouped11 grouper10 groupie10 ingroup10 kouprey16 louping10 mouping12 pouping12 precoup13 recoupe11 recoups11 regroup10 roupier9 roupily12 rouping10 scouped12 soupcon11 soupers9 soupfin12 soupier9 Show full list ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.

Scoring Each Play

The score for each turn is the sum of the letter values in each word formed or modified during the play, plus the additional points obtained from placing letters on premium squares. A turn using all seven tiles earns a 50-point bonus. Such a play is commonly called a “Bingo.”

Double and Triple Letter Bonus Squares

The letter contained on the square with the mark of doubling the letter points doubles its value.
The letter contained on the square with the mark of tripling the letter points triples its value.

Double and Triple Word Bonus Squares

If at least one letter of the word is placed on a square with a mark "Double Word Score" or center square it doubles the score of an entire word.
If at least one letter of the word is placed on a square with a mark "Triple Word Score" it triples the score for an entire word.

Several premium squares of word multiplication

If the word is placed in squares doubles or triplets more than once, the Word doubles or triples as many times as many squares it takes.

Bonus Squares Score on One Turn Only

The letter premium squares and the word premium squares apply only to the turn in which they are originally covered by a word. In all subsequent turns, letters on those squares count only at face value.

Using the Blank on a DWS or TWS

When a blank tile is played on a Double Word Score square or a Triple Word Score square, the value of the word is doubled or tripled even though the blank itself has a zero score value.
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