Scrabble Score Calculator



Bingo: + 50 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Scrabble Words with NAE

naes4 gynae9 isnae5 kanae9 minae7 naeve8 naevi8 ulnae5 venae8 zonae14 cannae8 dinnae7 faunae9 gynaes10 kanaes10 naeves9 naevus9 pennae8 pinnae8 spinae8 alumnae9 anaemia9 anaemic11 carinae9 catenae9 choanae12 coronae9 hennaed11 lacunae9 laminae9 naebody13 naevoid11 novenae10 patinae9 reginae8 retinae7 saunaed8 vaginae11 anaemias10 anaerobe10 antennae8 echidnae14 gynaecea14 gynaecia14 infaunae11 lernaean8 limnaeid11 naething12 patinaed11 personae10 piscinae12 saphenae13 sarcinae10 anaerobes11 anaerobia11 anaerobic13 athenaeum14 avifaunae15 cisternae11 epifaunae14 gynaeceum17 gynaecium17 gynaecoid16 hosannaed13 hymenaeal17 hymenaean17 limnaeids12 naebodies12 naethings13 perinaeum13 spanaemia13 spanaemic15 subpenaed14 trichinae14 anaerobium14 athenaeums15 geocoronae13 gynaeceums18 hymenaeans18 ketonaemia16 megafaunae16 meiofaunae15 melanaemia14 perinaeums14 peritonaea12 phlyctenae20 spanaemias14 spirulinae12 subpoenaed15 synaereses13 synaeresis13 nonaerosol10 acetonaemia15 anaemically18 anaerobiont13 anaestheses14 anaesthesia14 anaesthesis14 anaesthetic16 anguifaunae15 Show full list ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.

Scoring Each Play

The score for each turn is the sum of the letter values in each word formed or modified during the play, plus the additional points obtained from placing letters on premium squares. A turn using all seven tiles earns a 50-point bonus. Such a play is commonly called a “Bingo.”

Double and Triple Letter Bonus Squares

The letter contained on the square with the mark of doubling the letter points doubles its value.
The letter contained on the square with the mark of tripling the letter points triples its value.

Double and Triple Word Bonus Squares

If at least one letter of the word is placed on a square with a mark "Double Word Score" or center square it doubles the score of an entire word.
If at least one letter of the word is placed on a square with a mark "Triple Word Score" it triples the score for an entire word.

Several premium squares of word multiplication

If the word is placed in squares doubles or triplets more than once, the Word doubles or triples as many times as many squares it takes.

Bonus Squares Score on One Turn Only

The letter premium squares and the word premium squares apply only to the turn in which they are originally covered by a word. In all subsequent turns, letters on those squares count only at face value.

Using the Blank on a DWS or TWS

When a blank tile is played on a Double Word Score square or a Triple Word Score square, the value of the word is doubled or tripled even though the blank itself has a zero score value.
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