U Scrabble Letter Values

The letter U has 1 point and 4 tiles in the Scrabble game.

OTCWL2014 (USA, Canada and Thailand)
CSW15 (English in most countries)

An example of words containing the letter U:

Top 2 Letter words with U
xu9 yu5 uh5 mu4 up4 um4 gu3 ug3 ou2 ur2 us2 ut2 nu2 un2

Top 3 Letter words with U
zuz21 wuz15 cuz14 qua12 suq12 luz12 mux12 jug11 gju11 dux11 jud11 jun10 lux10 jus10 jeu10 jut10 tux10 yuk10 kyu10 huh9

Top 4 Letter words with U
fuzz25 muzz24 buzz24 tuzz22 quiz22 juju18 jeux18 zouk17 kuzu17 zurf16 yuzu16 yutz16 quey16 quay16 fuze16 futz16 zupa15 zobu15 zebu15 quop15

Top 5 Letter words with U
huzzy29 fuzzy29 muzzy28 buzzy28 huzza26 zuzim25 scuzz25 abuzz25 squiz23 quaky21 quiff20 quick20 quaff20 quack20 muzak20 furzy20 yukky19 quich19 mauzy19 kudzu19

Top 6 Letter words with U
quazzy36 zuzzim35 huzzah30 scuzzy29 muzjik28 fuzzed28 wuzzle27 queazy27 muzzed27 huzzas27 fuzzle27 fuzzes27 buzzed27 puzzle26 puzzel26 muzzle26 muzzes26 mezuza26 cuzzie26 cuzzes26

Top 7 Letter words with U
fuzzbox37 quizzed35 quizzes34 quizzer34 jacuzzi34 humbuzz32 huzzahs31 fuzzily31 buzzwig31 muzzily30 mezuzah30 buzzsaw30 wuzzled29 muzjiks29 huzzaed29 fuzzled29 fuzzing29 buzzcut29 wuzzles28 squeezy28

Top 8 Letter words with U
quizzify41 quizzery38 quizzing36 squizzes35 quizzers35 quazzier35 jacuzzis35 zizyphus34 huzzahed33 buzzword32 buzzwigs32 buzzkill32 zugzwang31 scuzzbag31 mezuzoth31 mezuzahs31 fuzzball31 buzzsaws31 wuzzling30 huzzaing30

Top 9 Letter words with U
fuzzboxes39 quizzical38 quizzings37 quazziest36 huzzahing34 humbuzzes34 bumfuzzle34 puzzledly33 buzzwords33 buzzkills33 buzzingly33 zugzwangs32 scuzzbags32 puzzledom32 fuzzballs32 bemuzzled32 scuzzball31 buzzbaits31 bemuzzles31 unpuzzled30

Top 10 Letter words with U
quizzified41 quizzifies40 quizziness37 quizzeries37 zizyphuses36 bumfuzzled36 bumfuzzles35 zugzwanged34 puzzlingly34 buzzkiller34 puzzledoms33 bemuzzling33 unhouzzled32 scuzzballs32 puzzlement32 unpuzzling31 unmuzzling31 kibbutznik31 jumboizing31 exchequers31

Top 11 Letter words with U
quizzifying45 quizzically43 zwischenzug38 bumfuzzling37 zugzwanging35 zanthoxylum35 buzzkillers35 moorbuzzard34 puzzlements33 exchequered33 unmuzzlings32 oxyrhynchus32 kibbutzniks32 fuzzinesses32 colloquized32 chequerwork32 rejuvenized31 quizmasters31 quinquereme31 pozzuolanas31

Top 12 Letter words with U
quizzicality44 chiquichiqui40 zwischenzugs39 quizzinesses39 puzzleheaded37 zanthoxylums36 subjectivize35 quelquechose35 moorbuzzards35 exchequering34 quixotically33 quicksilvery33 quaquaversal33 homozygously33 colloquizing33 chequerworks33 zygomycetous32 zygomorphous32 unhydrolyzed32 somniloquize32

Top 13 Letter words with U
chiquichiquis41 subjectivized37 subjectivizes36 squeezability36 quelquechoses36 zinjanthropus34 ventriloquize34 somniloquized34 quinquivalent34 quinquevalent34 quartziferous34 oxyrhynchuses34 hyperimmunize34 gyrofrequency34 schutzstaffel33 xiphophyllous33 somniloquizes33 quinquenniums33 quickstepping33 quadruplexing33

Top 14 Letter words with U
quizzification46 quizzicalities43 quinquivalency40 quinquevalency40 nebuchadnezzar40 subjectivizing38 schizophyceous38 quaquaversally38 quinquivalence37 quinquevalence37 zinziberaceous36 ventriloquized36 hyperimmunized36 ventriloquizes35 somniloquizing35 schizomycetous35 quinquennially35 quinquefoliate35 quinquefarious35 quinquagesimal35

Top 15 Letter words with U
quizzifications47 oxyphenbutazone41 nebuchadnezzars41 zygophyllaceous38 quinquivalences38 quinquevalences38 ventriloquizing37 tranquilizingly37 hyperimmunizing37 hydroxybutyrate37 zinjanthropuses36 squeezabilities35 psychosexuality35 microearthquake35 extrajudicially35 sulphinpyrazone34 quinquagenarian34 quicksilverings34 phenylbutazones34 peroxysulphuric34

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